Today is celebrating its 1-year anniversary! From learning how to operate a business to customer discovery to product implementation and business development, it has been an enlightening and extremely busy year, but would not be here today without the assistance of the many mentors and advisors who help grow small businesses and create great jobs in Central Florida.
Our team would especially like to thank the following:
Carol Ann Dykes, UCF Business Incubator
Dayle Moore, Starter Studio
Donna Mackenzie, Starter Studio
Gregg Pollack, Starter Studio
Rupert Meghnot, Burnout Game Ventures
DanyaShea Glenny, Fervr is building on the tremendous work done by companies in the virtual military simulation industry to create effective training systems and increase the readiness of defense forces. has developed a software middleware for interoperability that is able to drastically improve visual system graphics, physics, and workflow tool chain as well as lower overall cost by connecting existing AAA commercial gaming technologies with military training systems through our support of simulation standards for communication, 3D models, and geospatial terrain. customers are now able to import OpenFlight 3D models and terrain databases into the Unity game engine to support one of the most popular model formats used in the simulation industry, and we have also enabled Unity to connect with other simulation applications through Common Image Generator Interface (CIGI) and Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) communication. Our OpenFlight importer works well with models from leading model vendors such as Presagis, Simthetiq, and AVT Simulation.

Our team would be happy to speak with you to better understand how can meet your simulation needs. Feel free to contact me directly.